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#| GET TEMPLATE READ TABLE |##################################################
#+-|<Template-sym>|--| Data Type |--| Usage |-------------------------------+#
#| ! ............... Character .... Uppercase character.                    |#
#| # ............... Character .... Allow "0"..."9", space, minus sign,     |#
#|                                  plus sign, or decimal place.            |#
#|                   Numeric ...... Allow "0"..."9", space, minus sign,     |#
#|                                  or plus sign.                           |#
#|                   Character .... Insert "," in source data.              |#
#|                   Logical ...... Allow "T", "t", "Y", "y", "N", "n"      |#
#|                                  "F" and "f".                            |#
#| A ............... Character .... Allow only alphabetic characters as     |#
#|                                  input.                                  |#
#| L ............... Character .... Allow "T", "t", "Y", "y", "N", "n"      |#
#|                                  "F" and "f".                            |#
#|                   Logical ...... Allow "T", "t", "Y", "y", "N", "n"      |#
#|                                  "F" and "f".                            |#
#| X ............... Character .... Allow any character                     |#
#| Y ............... Character .... Allow "Y", "y",,"N" and "n".            |#
#| 9 ............... Character .... Allow "0"..."9".                        |#
#|                   Numeric ...... Allow "0"..."9", minus sign, plus       |#
#|                                  sign, or a space.                       |#
#| Other Character . Character .... Insert Other Character in source data.  |#

See Also: @...GET
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson